Articles in Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals and Law Reviews
• López, V. D., Avoiding the Legal Landmines Attendant to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Form I-9 Compliance, North East Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 42, Article 2, 24-45 (2022).
• López, V. D., Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Consumer Contracts: A Legally Permissible Means of Denying Consumers the Constitutional Right to Litigate Contract Disputes in Court and the Right to Trial by Jury. North East Journal of Legal Studies: Vol. 40, Article 1 (Spring 2020).
• López, V. D., Maccarrone, E. T. Non-Lawyer Judges Presiding Over Criminal Trials: Constitutionally Permissible Injustice? Wake Forest Journal of Law & Policy Vol. 10 at 1 (2019).
• López, V. D., Maccarrone, E. T. Should Emergency Good Deeds Go Unpunished? An Analysis of the Good Samaritan Statutes of the United States, Rutgers Law Record, Vol. 45, 105-144 (2018).
• López, V. D., When Lenders Can Legally Provide Loans with Effective Interest Rates Above 1,000 Percent, is it Time for Congress to Consider a Federal Interest Cap on Consumer Loans? Notre Dame Journal of Legislation, Vol. 42, Issue 1 (2016).
• López, V. D., Maccarrone, E. T. Traffic Enforcement by Camera: Privacy and Due Process in the Age of Big Brother Law Journal for Social Justice (Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University), Vol 5 (Spring 2015).
• Maccarrone, E. T., López, V. D., Medical Malpractice Limitations for New York Infants - Time for a Change of Time? 34 Buff. Pub. Int. L.J. 99 (2016).
• López, V. D., Maccarrone, E. T. Leading the World in the Wrong Direction: Is it Time for the U.S. to Adopt the World Standard Loser Pays Rule in Civil Litigation? North East Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 32, 1-20 (Spring 2014).
• López, V. D., Dealing with Uninvited and Unwelcomed Guests: A Survey or Current State Legislative Efforts to Control Illegal Immigration within Their Borders International Journal of Public Law and Policy, Vol. 3, No. 1, (2013) (Geneva, Switzerland).
• López, V. D., Unauthorized Practice of Law in the U.S.: a Survey and Brief Analysis of the Law, North East Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 26 (Fall 2011)
• López, V. D., Principled Leadership: Finding Common Ground among Divergent Philosophies University of Botswana Law Journal, Vol. 11 (December 2010)
• López, V. D., State Homestead Exemptions and Bankruptcy Law: Is it Time for Congress to Close the Loophole? Rutgers Business Law Journal, Vol. 7 (Spring 2010).
• Illegal Immigration: Economic, Social and Ethical Implications, North East Journal of Legal Studies Vol. 22 (Spring 2009)
• López, V. D., Legislating Relief for the High Cost of College Textbooks: A Brief Analysis of the Current Law and its Implication for Students, Faculty and the Publishing Industry Journal of Legal Studies in Business, Vol. 15 (2009)